
Thursday, May 19, 2011

"I Am" Poetry

I love these poems our 6th graders wrote the other day using PicLits. We used "freestyle" mode. The directions were to find an image and finish the sentence starters to complete the poem. It was sort of a "one-off," meaning that I don't usually work with this class and only had the one class with them, so we didn't have time to revise or even for them to share their poems with each other. Keeping that in mind, I think they are pretty expressive.

by Aaron

by Avichai

by Joey

by Julia

by Rachel

by Ryan


  1. Hello!
    My name is Carey Dekle and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am currently enrolled in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class and he has assigned your blog to me! I had never heard of PicLit before, but it is such a great idea! The sixth graders' poems were really impressive! It was great to read all of the emotions and thoughts they were experiencing. I thought the airplane poem, in particular, was wonderful! If I wouldn't have known, I would have never guessed a sixth grader wrote it. I'll be reading more of your blog and posting a summary of your posts on my blog,, on June 8.
    Carey Dekle
    Twitter: @cdeklemusic
    Class Blog:

  2. Hi
    My name is Heath Morris and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am currently in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class and am reading and commenting on your blog as an assignment. I like the idea of PicLit in the classroom. I thing this activity really engages students in the classroom. It makes them think about what is truly important to them and apply it to a picture. In high school, I had a teacher do something similar to this and the best poems were published into the Young Writers book. I look forward to reading into some of your other posts.

    Heath Morris
    Twitter: @heathmo17
    My Blog:

  3. Nice article, thanks for the information.
