Simple K-12
do you see yourself as a mini-biz? Scott do you market yourself in a way that reaches people outside of the space you are operating in? brand/marketing helps reach more people.
have to find a personal voice
there is worth in having a brand as a teacher-Scott Mcleod
hiring committee- we looked for people's online presence
- important for employment
Carol Broos- sees a lot in college, wants to see more in K-12
wherever you participate online you are creating a brand, a lot of people haven't consciously worked on creating their brand yet.
How to transition to a new personal brand? move content to ebooks and link to it
keeping "selves" separate ie: having a separate facebook page for personal contacts, a professional brand that is only professional
schools have a fear of social media, need to teach kids how to use it , create brands, represent selves. (Yup, so true)
time commitment, get out of it what you put into it.
What is your goal?
different goals for different people.
many agree that you don't need to necessarily have a goal
How to get districts, schools, classrooms to use twitter?
See EdTechLeader's twitter resources for teachers.
how to increase presence with the blog, using all the pieces to build your brand (twitter, blog, etc). Go to every social networking platform and secure your brand. Even if you don't think you want to use it, secure it. Also think about securing social media sites for your school, even if you're not using them yet. - to check for availability of your name across sites
Great notes, from a fun and informative discussion.