
Friday, May 22, 2009

Partner Rubrics for Elementary School

I wanted to take a moment to share a rubric I created for my 5th graders to use after working on a project with a partner. Thanks to my network, especially Carey Pohanka, for responding to my request for examples of  rubrics used to evaluate collaborative skills. It was very helpful. 

"Remember, you will get to share your feelings about working with your partner at the end of the project. And remember that your partner will also be evaluating YOU as a partner." 
With that simple statement, I was able to head off several issues before they became "full blown." Not only does filling out the rubric give students a chance to be heard, it also reinforces the skills that are expected.

Partner Skills Rubric Partner Skills Rubric edtechworkshop6991


  1. I would like to connect with you regarding "media literacy" professional development. I am a consultant to NCTE and maintain a national media literacy website. Read more here: (a former Jacksonville resident, now residing in Columbia SC)

  2. I really like the rubric. However, I would also suggest that you use student generated codes of conduct. I give my students categories to use (i.e. Responsibilities, behavior, conflict resolution, consequences) and have the students create their own codes.

    The final code is approved by me, and often students need to revise the code because they it is too general. For example, students might have in their code that the teacher will resolve any disputes. While I accept this, they need to identify what my process will be in resolving the disputes (e.g. each person will be given a chance to give their side, the teacher will resolve the dispute if all in a group agree to go to the teacher but otherwise it is up to the group--or partners--to resolve the dispute). Also, often there is no procedure to identify when there is a problem (e.g. one infraction will result in the "consequences" or there needs to be a meeting first or 3 times they have not fulfilled their responsibilities).

    I find just the process of developing the code of conduct (thus creating shared expectations at the beginning of a group or team process) helps resolve problems. I also make sure I am open to any of the consequences the team comes up with. For example, there was a group that had in their code of conduct that someone who was late in getting their work done based on the project schedule. Sure enough, one day, one of the group members brought in candy bars for everyone. While they laughed about it, it was also obvious that she had not fulfilled her responsibilities and she was not late again (as others in the class outside of the group knew she had not done her work).

  3. @VYonkers thanks for sharing your process. I agree, it is always best to have things come, as much as possible, from the students.
