
Friday, February 1, 2008


This was my day at work today:

Kindergarten: Pixie, "I like" activity, one of the pre-made activities in Pixie. It's a page with a big heart and the words "I like" above the heart. The kids write their name and draw and/or add stickers to the heart to show things they like. 
I reviewed some of the pixie tools, taught (for the first time to the whole class) using the shift key to capitalize first letter in name, the word "text." There is lots of learning and practice in this activity: moving and resizing objects, using draw tools, etc.

In between classes prepared for Kaleidoscope Day, a big event happening on Monday. The theme is "Learn about yourself through art" and all 134 students will be coming into the computer lab to do a digitally manipulated self portrait. I will post some of those on my blog next week (with student and parent permission, of course). I also went to my 3 y.o. son's class performance. Packaged up some keyboards to send back to apple and an hp toner to be recycled. Checked email.

First Grade: Introduced the Tooth Tally project to the students. The tooth tally project started today and is a little online share with other first grade classes based on that all-important milestone, losing baby teeth. We will be counting and tallying our lost teeth for three months and sharing the information with the other classes in our group on the tooth tally wiki. I had already written an introduction and uploaded a picture of our class on the wiki, which I shared with the class. We read the other classes' introductions. Then we put on our imagination wings and, using google earth, we flew around the world to visit the other classes in our tooth tally group.
In the fifteen or twenty minutes we had left, we had lots of fun and giggles with the website build your wild self.

Fifth Grade: Introduced the one-click mitzvah wiki. It didn't go as well as I hoped. The kids have a few ideas, but they need more guidance. I don't think the wiki was the best idea for this. I am not ready to give up on this project idea, but I need to figure out how to properly guide them. Suggestions very welcome! They played Karma Tycoon again. They really like this game, and are great at it. I think it was a valuable learning experience, but now it is time to process what they learned from it and move on to the next step.

I had a wonderful, inspiring visit from Silvia Tolisano, tech integration guru from SJEDS. She has a great blog/website, Langwitches. I met her briefly at FETC, and she came to see our SMARTboards. She is such an inspiration. I am so excited to have made this connection with her and look forward to going to visit her at SJEDS. I can learn so much from her.

I am tired. Good night.

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