
Thursday, January 24, 2008

FETC Concurrent Session: Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum

Tell it Like it is: Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum
Presenter: Melinda Kolk (from Tech4Learning)
Description: Here's a chance for an exciting introduction to digital storytelling! Digital storytelling is an engaging means of integrating technology into the curriculum, whether they are digital movies or online storybooks. Come and explore sample projects that help improve student's reading and writing skills, and discover how you can use storytelling to improve math, social studies and science learning.

My Notes From the Session:
There are lots of "right" ways to do digital storytelling. Don't need a particular software, can use whatever software you are currently using.
What is Digital Storytelling? 
Creating Living Memories Around Defining Moments of Life
Resources: - DIY guide for interviewing/ digital stories

Start by setting expectations. Show high quality examples.
Create by using still images combined together with effects to create a video (simpler than using video, makes the project very accessible)

Benefits: Makes it personal, offers the possibility of a wider audience by posting online
way to use writing across the curriculum

can do individually, small group, whole class, 
Don't let the technology get in the way of the curriculum.
some possibilities:
-Myths and Legends, retelling fables
-Video Poems (use pictures to illustrate the content of a particular poem)
-Video Journals

•Way to share digital stories: podcasting, putting online (podcast example of fable retelling   Hartwood Elementary's Hartcast)
•scan hand drawn books and add audio narration
•Fun idea: using claymation: take two animals and put them together to create one animal. Describe the animal and their adaptations, habitat, etc.
•Things that are most in the world (add link) (I like this, may do soon w/1st, 2nd grade uses WebBlender)
•found word poetry, pick a word out of a hat
•animated alliterative alphabet activities

Choose a topic
Develop Assessment
Build (or find) a High-Quality Example (Tell your own story) doing your own also gives you experience with the software
Create Foundational Activities
Set Expectations (Rubric)
(Form Teams)
Brainstorm Ideas
Develop a Vision
Write the Narrative
Storyboard the Video
Gather Resources/Process Media
Build Story
Share Story

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