Around Chets Creek in 180 Days via kwout
Just reading that, I know that I would like to be one of Mr. Ruark's 5th grade students.
Here was my own daughter's first day of 2nd grade homework: the students were each given a paper bag filled with a few, little items and the following instructions:
Opening, reading and sharing this bag of goodies with your parents is part of your first homework assignment.
1. The toothpick is to remind you to "pick out" the good qualities in your classmates and in yourself.
2. The gold thread is to remind you that friendship ties our hearts together.
3. The chocolate kiss reminds you that you can always come to me if you need someone to talk to.
4. The star is to remind you to shine and always do your best.
5. The penny is to remind you that you are valuable and special.
6. The band-aid is to remind you to heal hurt feelings in your friends and in yourself.
7. The rubber band is to remind you to hug someone.
8. The eraser is to remind you that everyone makes mistakes and that is ok.
9. The tissue is to remind you to help dry someone's tears.
10. The sticker is to remind you that we all stick together and help each other.
Now I would like for you to think of something that you could add to this bag. Write 3-4 sentences explaining why the item you chose would be useful and why it is important for us to remember to use all of the other items that are in the bag.
My daughter's other teacher kept telling us, at back to school "Meet and Greet" that she does this or that because "the kid's love it, it makes them happy, it makes them feel good, that she just wants them to love learning, to love the subject she teaches." I can't tell you how happy that made me as a parent. If my child loves learning and feels positive about herself as a person, a friend and a learner...I know it will take her the distance and allow her to learn what she needs and wants to learn, to attack challenging problems with confidence, to make a contribution to the world.
For our pre-planning in-service this year, we participated in a workshop from Operation Respect. At the start of the workshop, the facilitator asked us this question, "If you had one last class to teach, and that day you were given magic powers that would guarantee that the students would truly, deeply learn one lesson from you, what would you teach?"
Are you surprised to know that not one person answered with a concept from math or science, grammar or spelling? All of the answers had to do with self-awareness and awareness of others, being a good person. Those are the lessons that truly matter.
Graphic from "The North Star" gallery, from the book "The North Star" by Peter H. Reynolds.
Exciting Update: 2016 The course I have created is up and ready! Check it out here! If you just want the downloadable materials, th...